Mid World Partners International Missions

Short Term Missions Trips

We believe in a world where everyone has access to the Gospel. Join us.

We are making a positive impact!

We take teams to different countries to share the gospel, focusing on equipping churches and serving through compassion ministries.

To reach more for Christ.

Our organization does this through evangelism, helping churches with construction, medical teams, and compassion ministries.

Our passion is to encourage believers to reach the needed ones, and even support the ones who are planting new churches in Ecuador.


One of the main activities you will do is evangelism. Whether going door by door, or kids ministry, you will be reaching people in different ways.

Equipping Churches

Through out MWPI you can Train Leaders and help them to build capacity by workshops. Other way is building churches.

Compassion Ministries

Reach the ones who don’t have access to medical attention, clean water, and good nutrition. Teach Moms & Kids and visit homes.

Find a Project

Our partners are doing an effort to evangelize this town through different activities like medical attention, kids’ school, water filters, farming, and sustainable projects. At this time, they have 50+ people of the ethnic group who have been baptized.

You will have the option to serve in the coastal region, in the Ecuadorian jungle, and the highlands. We are developing different types of projects.

A couple on the ground influences children and youth by teaching Christian values in the Soccer School Club.

What our friends say about serving with us

Bruce P.

“I just returned from Ecuador with a team from Nowthen, Minnesota, and I wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience! Even though this is my tenth trip to Ecuador we were a bit anxious because of Covid. I am happy to share that our team enjoyed a fantastic time with our brothers and sisters in Manta!"

Ryan H.

“It was both a blessing and a pleasure to be the Lord’s hands and feet alongside our entire immediate family of seven as well as both old and new friends to encourage our Ecuadorian brethren in light of Covid who cannot currently corporately assemble as a body of believers and to share the love of Jesus with both young and old in the Manta area."

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