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By Eunice Ron
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Born into a Christian family, now I have more than 19 years of experience as a guide and interpreter for short-term mission teams.
Let me share a little bit more about my story.
I was born in Ecuador and served there until I got married and moved to Uruguay in 2019 with my husband, Eleazar. I started my journey as an interpreter, and later, as a short-term mission teams guide, when I was 17 years old.
I will never forget that special day when my parents who are pastors from an Alliance church asked one of the guides that were visiting my home church with a team if they would consider me as an interpreter for a future opportunity, one of the ideas was to practice and improve my English, until then, I couldn’t even imagine that later on, this would be where my passion was going to start.
I started serving as an interpreter with joy and love and met a missionary who became one of the most influential people during my journey. He allowed me to translate and improve my English while serving different communities where the local churches are all over Ecuador.
I had the opportunity to serve in Rochester, MN, assisting and translating for a mother and her daughter, who was undergoing heart surgery at Mayo Clinic. I traveled to Colombia and Mexico to visit projects I worked on during the pandemic.
Passionate about serving kids, youth, families, and communities I got involved with more NGOs for releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ Name.
I’ve translated, and under the guidance of the coordinator, prepared all the written material and translations for a worldwide Relief and Development workshop.
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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure. – OLIVER SANDERO
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